The eldest of five siblings, Olivia Alejandra Negrete Avilés was born on November 6th, 1975. She was a single mother of three daughters aged 23, 22, and 13. Alejandra was very friendly, says her sister. She lived in Naucalpan in the state of Mexico but worked in the capital as a housekeeper since 2015 to save money for her daughter’s 15th birthday party. She started working in the Colonia Narvarte building on July 27, a few days before the murder. On Friday, July 31, Alejandra left for work telling her youngest daughter that she loved her. Around 7:30 pm, her relatives started to worry as she did not show up to pick up her daughter up from a friends’ house. They went to her workplace and discovered what had happened. Her daughter, Adriana, recognized her mother’s body.